I am a woman with a mission. I want to stay at home with my freaking adorable 15 month old. Is that so much to ask? I realize its the hardest job on the planet...seriously...has nothing to do with oprah...im just saying...he drives me crazy many minutes of every day...sometimes hours depending on our moods...but overall...i want to be there with him as he grows through his toddler moments and then off to school oh my! I have a career...but my heart says to be a mom first...even my mind says to be a mom first! Its going to be hard to take a hiatus but it will be very worthwhile to be there for him during these precious and oh so short years!
So this blog's purpose is to generate revenue. i dont have a theme yet or a plan 4 that matter. but it must be able to be typed with 1 hand on occasion (like right now)and should fill a big niche in a small pond from what i understand. So off i go to stock the pond!