See...he is on probation for theft and he isnt allowed to gamble or play the lottery...but lady luck seduced him and now it appears shes considering rape...HE freakin WON $1million in the Massachusetts lottery. Hmmm...what to do with such a fella.
I feel kinda bad for him ....I mean grab a looksie and its obvious he hasnt had an easy life...and hes even been treated for mental issues. Guess he cant keep the dough though...thats like being on a life saving diet, then winning the worlds largest cake and eating it, and everyone letting you eat it because...well hell...you won it.
He should prolly be forced to donate the money to charity. Unless of course he is on disability (which he most likely is) in that case...they should set aside a trust fund so he has enough to live a very modest life..then take away disability. That way the tax payers are the ultimate winners.